Dixie Toga invests in social projects that foster the young people inclusion into the labor market, education, health and citizenship to the population residing in locations where the company operates, besides encouraging the volunteerism among its employees. See below some of these initiatives.
Investments with Own Resources
Dixie Toga develops social projects from the selective waste collection and recyclable materials generated in their factories. The income from the program “Recycle for a Better Life”, funds nonprofits projects and eco-efficiency practices. Check out these partnerships better: |
2009 – New headquarters for the Viver (Live) Organization, in Londrina – (PR) – Brazil
Dixie Toga invested R$ 237,000 in the new headquarters construction for the institution. This project was held in partnership with Ronald McDonald, and provided more comfort to children and adolescents who receive treatment at the Cancer Hospital in town. |
2010 – Digital Inclusion Project in Rondonópolis (MT) – Brazil
Dixie Toga made a computer donation and sponsored the digital inclusion course for low-income young people, held in partnership with the Koblenz Brasil Association (KoBra) |
2010/2011 – Vida (Life), Florescer (Blossom) and Festejar (Celebration) Projects, in Natal (RN) - Brazil
In partnership with Casa Durval Paiva de Apoio a Criança com Cancer (House Durval Paiva of Children with Cancer Support), Dixie Toga, through the Florescer and Festejar projects, invested in professional training courses for mothers whose children were being treated for cancer. During the course, the participants learned how to decorate parties, make sweet and savory party food, learn about aesthetics, waxing, manicure and haircut. The Vida Project enabled the construction of five housing units donated to families with children on undergoing treatment. In this new residence, the patients found a suitable place for their recovery. |
2011 / 2012 / 2013 – Pescar (Fishing) Project, in Parnamirim (RN) and Pinhais (PR) - Brazil
Aiming the young people in social vulnerability professional capacitation, in 2010, Dixie Toga sponsored the first Pescar Project class in Parnamirim, graduating 15 students in Administrative Services Professional Initiation In 2012, the Project was expanded to Pinhais, and other adolescents had the opportunity to develop and participate in the Industrial Maintenance Mechanics Professional Initiation. The employees are essential to the project realization; all teachers are Dixie Toga´s employees that dedicate their time and knowledge in training and the young people. |
Projects through Tax Incentive
Tax incentives are a part of the economic policies set that aim to facilitate the capital inflow in one determined area by charging less taxes or it’s non-charging. For over 10 years, Dixie Toga avail this benefit to support cultural projects in the communities where it operates. Check the practical adoption of Rouanet Law and PROAC projects. |
2006 a 2011 - Fabricando Arte (Art Manufacturing)
Fabricando Arte is a social inclusion project through arts in which young people, in every city that Dixie Toga has its units, have access to drawing classes. The project aims to stimulate adolescents of public schools to share the streets idleness creating spaces that encourages art as a form of expression. |
2012 - Teatro de Bonecos (Puppet Theater), in Londrina and Cambé (PR) - Brazil
This action benefited 100 adolescents from public schools that, over three months, had contact with the enchanting world of puppetry. During the lessons, the adolescents worked corporal and vocal expressions, script and characters creation, improvisation, soundtrack and a complete assembly of a show. Additionally, this assorted artistic languages set also addressed personal values and human development. All pieces and characters from the show were made from domestic materials, such as containers, preachers, buckets and plastic packages (provided by the Londrina unit). |
2012 – Onçafari Project
To preserve one of the largest cats in America, the Onçafari Project develops researches in Pantanal (MS) – Brazil about the jaguar behavior in order to habituate the animal to the human presence. This sustainable initiative, that count on Dixie Toga´s sponsorship, believes that the species conservation earns considerably strength if the jaguar is seen as an ally in generating incomes derived from tourism and not as a threat to the region´s farmers. The whole process of the jaguar habituation is being registered for the documentary “Jaguar – Closer than you can imagine” production. |
2012 - Cineco, in Paranaguá (PR) and Parnamirim (RN) - Brazil
Cineco it´s a project that consist in building an ecological cinema that allows free transmission of various genres films to the public schools students, assisting in the educational process and cultural formation. Built with laminated tubes material waste (scraps), donated by DT, Cineco has a physical structure and appropriate equipment for movies exhibition and a book collection about cinema. |
2012 - Ecoteca, in Mauá (SP) - Brazil
The Ecoteca is a mobile library built with laminated tubes scraps. With a collection of 500 general literature books, a structure for small performances and puppet theater, the Ecoteca contributes with the benefited community cultural development. |
Voluntary Actions
The Talentos do Bem (Talents of good), a volunteer’s group compound by Dixie Toga employees, held annually, several fundraising campaigns, citizenship practices and sporadic donations to the partner organizations. Keep track of its achievements: |
Fundraising Campaigns
To increase the volunteers group solidarity, periodically happens fundraising campaigns, in all units, for groceries, clothing, hygiene and cleaning kits and other resources that enable the partner organizations to maintain the services they perform. At 2012 Christmas, 619 children and 40 elderly people were benefited with donations made by employees, spread across all states where Dixie Toga owns a factory. |
McHappy Day
In every August of the year, the volunteer program supports the event held by Mc Donalds, in support of children and adolescents with cancer, through sales of tickets and promotional material of the partner organizations. The 2012 McHappy Day edition was held on August 25th and benefited 77 projects of 59 institutions all over the country raising R$ 18,354,205. |
Ação Cidadã (Citizen Action)
Event developed in partnership with the public and private sector. On the occasion, the community receives free health and citizenship services such as preventive exams, vaccination, dental care, documents issuance, Procom services, curriculum development, haircut, kids recreation and culture activities. |