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Dixie Toga started its activities on July, 30th, 1995, as a result from the union of two of the most experient packaging companies in Brazil: Dixie Lalekla and Toga.

Dixie Lalekla, then with almost 50 years in the market, was considered one of the best companies in Brazil for the production of plastic packaging for margarine, yogurt and disposables.

Toga, with over 60-year activity, was one of the largest manufacturers of flexible and semi-rigid packaging in Latin America.

With a strong growth vocation, the company broadened its participation in Latin America with acquisitions and associations, becoming established as a multi-packaging partner of large manufacturers of consumption products.

Learn more about Dixie Toga’s history.


Founding of Toga, Art Paper Industry Jose Tscherkassky S / A, a company that stood out as the main producer of packaging for food, hygiene and cleaning products, cigarettes and cigars, which specializes in the production of flexible packaging, cartridges, labels and laminated tubes.

Creation of Lalekla, a Brazilian company that supplied the toilette system market. Traded paper towels, soap, among other products. With the acquisition of Dixie in 1989, American group installed in Brazil since 1968 focusing on the manufacture of disposable paper and plastic products, it is then called Dixie Lalekla, renowned manufacturer of rigid packaging based on the production of thermoformed pots.

Creation of Dixie Toga from the merger between Dixie Lalekla and Toga.

In the same year, there is the acquisition of the Argentinean packaging company, American Plast. Created in 1970 as a manufacturer of plastic and polypel packaging for food and disposable products for fast food.

Purchase of Impressora Paranaense, traditional manufacturer of cartridges and labels printed in off-set. Founded in 1888 in Curitiba (PR), the unit has technology for hygiene, cleaning, food, cigarette and beverage markets.

Purchase of Itap Flexíveis, renown manufacturer of flexible packaging in Brazil.

Association with Bemis, largest manufacturer of flexible packages in the United States, originating Itap Bemis, Dixie Toga’s Flexible Packaging business unit. As a result of this association, the company started to use new technologies for the sectors of snacks, meat products, dehydrated, dairy products and hygiene.

In the same year, the plant in Londrina (PR) was built for the production of flexible and disposable packaging (Dixie), consolidating the production of flexible in this site.

Sale of the systems for toilets division to Kimberly Klark, moving its operations to focus exclusively on the packaging segment.

Creation of Dixie Toga Nordeste, rigid and laminated packaging production unit in Parnamirim, RN, dedicated to the butter, water and candy markets. This unit brought more logistic efficiency for the clients in the North and Northeast regions of Brazil.

Acquisition of Clave Plast and later, merger with American Plast, originating American Clave, as a result of the two largest Argentinean packaging manufacturers.

Creation of Insit, an in house for the client Sadia, in Paranaguá (PR), for the production of butter packaging with the “thin wall” injection technology.

Creation of Laminor, an association between Dixie Toga and Huhtamaki, exclusively dedicated to the manufacture of laminates for the dental cream, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals markets.

Incorporation of Curwood Itap Ltda., thermoplastic packaging company in films and flexible packaging, enabling the company to enter the shrinkable-barrier packages for fresh meat, cheese and poultry.

Acquisition of Itaipava, Flexible Packaging Division of Alcoa in Brazil, specializing in flexible foil and paper packages. From this acquisition, the company expands its offering for the chocolate, candy, dairy, cigarette, concentrated stocks and thermo-sealing lids industries.

Acquisition of Dixie Toga by Bemis, largest flexible packaging company in the US. As a result of this operation, the company had more technological Exchange to offer differentiated solutions for its clients in Mexico and Latin America.

Also during this year, the new plant in Rondonópolis (MT) was open, dedicated to the manufacturing of shrinkable packaging for meat and dairy products.

Acquisition of the operations of Huhtamaki in Brazil (Pinhais and Recife) and in Argentina (Garín), expanding the production capacity for rigid packaging for ice creams, margarine, dairy, and personal hygiene products. With this acquisition, Dixie Toga becomes the holder of the brand Brasholanda, producing packaging and storing machines for food and non-food products.

Acquisition of Alcan Packaging Foods Americas by Bemis. Incorporating to Dixie Toga the plants in Brazil, located in Mauá – in the State of São Paulo, and in Argentina, one in Chivilcoy and the other in San Luís. With this acquisition, we broadened our presence in the flexible packaging market in Brazil and entered in the flexible-barrier packaging market in Argentina.